

5 Reasons to Update Your Estate Plan RIGHT NOW

If you have established an estate plan, you’ve done a great thing! But it is extremely important that you update that plan. Your plan can easily be out of date. Estates and relationships are not static. And out-of-date plans will be a problem if they are Here are the top 5 reasons that you should […]

Top Mistakes On a Buy/Sell Agreement Between Partners

If you have a business with a partner or investors, you need a valid and up-to-date buy/sell agreement. As a business law firm, Cunningham Law helps business owners create all of the documents and agreements that govern their business. Buy/Sell agreements govern what will happen if a partner or investor wants to leave the business. […]

Tony Hsieh Died Without A Will, But You Don’t Have To

Take Charge of Your Estate or the State Will With daily numbers of lives lost to the coronavirus constantly flashing in our faces, it’s hard not to think about death right now. In the clutches of this pandemic, it’s becoming increasingly likely that someone you know and love has passed away after having COVID-19. Now, […]

Estate Question: Distributing the Inheritance

One of the most common concerns people have regarding their estate is how it will be distributed, especially when considering sizeable estates with large values. Among some of the greatest concerns are the underlying questions regarding the estate’s tax burden, avoiding probate and the responsibility of the inheritance recipient(s). Let’s look into each of these […]

Avoid the Most Costly Business Mistake of All

Avoiding This Common Mistake At All Costs Starting a new or home-based business is more common than ever. With an unstable economy and a pandemic shutting down businesses across America, this is a way for people to make ends meet while pursuing their dreams. In previous economies, there was always the promise of your stable […]