Rick tells the story that led him to become an attorney. An Introduction to Estate Law It started when Rick was a very young man. His grandfather had health issues. Rick got involved helping his grandfather get to meetings with his attorney to work on his estate plan. Rick learned about wills and trusts while […]
5 Ways to Retain Key Employees
What is a Key Employee? Do you have someone in your organization who is vital to the operation? That is your key employee(s). They may work in sales, operations, production or client services. Key employees are the ones your customers know when they visit or contact your company. They make the trains run on time, […]
Top Mistakes On a Buy/Sell Agreement Between Partners
If you have a business with a partner or investors, you need a valid and up-to-date buy/sell agreement. As a business law firm, Cunningham Law helps business owners create all of the documents and agreements that govern their business. Buy/Sell agreements govern what will happen if a partner or investor wants to leave the business. […]
Avoid the Most Costly Business Mistake of All
Avoiding This Common Mistake At All Costs Starting a new or home-based business is more common than ever. With an unstable economy and a pandemic shutting down businesses across America, this is a way for people to make ends meet while pursuing their dreams. In previous economies, there was always the promise of your stable […]