
5 Reasons Your House Should be In a Trust

5 Reasons Your House Should be In a Trust

Your Home Is Likely Your Most Valuable Asset For most of us, our homes are the most valuable investment and asset. Our homes are the center of our lives and families. But most of us don’t do the right things to protect our homes. Perhaps we don’t understand the importance of it or the ways […]

Rick Cunningham’s Story – My Why

Rick tells the story that led him to become an attorney. An Introduction to Estate Law It started when Rick was a very young man. His grandfather had health issues. Rick got involved helping his grandfather get to meetings with his attorney to work on his estate plan. Rick learned about wills and trusts while […]

How To Fund Your Trust

Now That You Have A Trust, Fund It. The First Step: Fund Your Trust Asset protection guidance from an estate attorney is commonly used to achieve specific long term goals. One of the first step in helping clients achieve their goals is creating a wills and /or trust. Trusts are a valuable tool in the […]

5 Famous People Who Died Without A Will

There are real consequences for our estate and your heirs if we pass away without a will. Our natural assumption is that people of means, who have substantial estates, will have their will in place. But this is not always the case. This is the story of 5 very famous people who died without a […]

5 Reasons to Update Your Estate Plan RIGHT NOW

If you have established an estate plan, you’ve done a great thing! But it is extremely important that you update that plan. Your plan can easily be out of date. Estates and relationships are not static. And out-of-date plans will be a problem if they are Here are the top 5 reasons that you should […]